Maya Telford Newsletter

Hello everyone - here we are at the end of February. What a month this has been with three weeks of Mercury Retrograde. Almost everyone I have spoken with over this last month has had some, if not all, of their plans go up in smoke. They have had to retreat, regroup, replan and in some cases, lick some wounds. Sound familiar? Well you haven't been alone. My month has been pretty frustrating as well with so many screw ups in things that I wanted to accomplish. I didn't manage to make it to the Healthy Living Expo in Langley on the 16th, so if you went there looking for me - sorry about that!

The Gypsy

hands holding a crystal ballThe full moon on the 21st will have finally cleared the air so to speak and of course with Mercury going direct on the 19th, that certainly has freed up a lot of energy. Mazel-tov on getting through it all. Things should start to hum along nicely by the time you are reading these words and you will be able to look forward to a much more hamonious time this coming month. Also, spring is just around the corner too.

Monthly Podcast

Click on the link below to receive this month's podcast. (You must have windows media player or Quicktime installed to be able to access Maja.)

Exclusive access to subscribers only - please subscribe here!

New Meditations

Our new CD for hospice and palliative care called "Transitions" is finally complete and up on the website. This is a particularly beautiful and gentle guided meditation for the seriously/terminally ill.

Planetary Healing

The childrens' website is coming along and the first meditation in the triology of meditations for children, Finding the Rainbow Warrior, is done. There is an short audio clip of this meditation below. These meditations are a wonderful way to introduce children (ages 5 and up) to the concept of meditation and how to access that quiet, sacred part of themselves. Parents will find the CD's a wonderful tool for relaxing and empowering their children. I am so excited with the direction my work is taking with the whole Rainbow Warrior concept and the second and third meditations in this series will be coming soon.

Also, I have been working on putting together a deck of cards for children to use for planetary healing. They will be called "Kids Can Heal" cards and will comprise a deck of 26 cards, each one having a short meditation focus on the back with a different area of planetary concern on each card. Every day your child can pick a card and make that area of concern their focus for the day. Very exciting and they will be available probably about the time the kids' website will be launching in a few months.

If you would like to know more about the legend of the Rainbow Warrior, you can find quite a lot of indepth, interesting information on this lady's website

Feature Article

In this vein, I offer below , an amazing piece by a very special boy, Nicholas Tschense. He was 6 years old when he wrote this. If you take a moment to check out his website, you will be astounded at all the work this child has put forth.

animated heart Our Soul Purpose
by Nicholas Tschense, At Age 6

To the divine presence in all of us, know that we are moving on in our healing journey and bringing light to all of those in our path. Light of love will shine so bright, followers will feel pure joy. Once this happens the world will become one in body, mind and spirit.

Transcendence into light and love is the soul purpose here of the earth.

We are not here for our own purpose, don’t you see, we are here for the universal purpose? Once our spiritual path is defined, we are to follow it to contribute to the whole. This is the universe unfolding into itself…this is the moment of creation re-defined.

We all as a collective are responsible for this unfolding. Each of us…no one escapes this contribution. So you see, meditation and spiritual practices keep us aligned with this purpose. Then our lives feel in synchrony and not disharmony. Disharmony meaning loss of meaning and direction, not a peace within.

Inner peace and harmony need to exist, before world peace exists. Nonetheless, both are plausible and achievable brought about by inner light.

Listen to your own inner message about what feels right…joy and light or sorrow and darkness. Pay close attention to your inner dialogue as it struggles with this change.

As a bringer of light and love, I and all the other super conscious children of the world will assist you in this movement.

Through staying tuned in, you help all of this to happen.

Bringer of Light and Love,
© Nicholas Tschense, February 18, 2003, 6 yrs

Visit the website to read more of his writing:

Art Showcase

This is another picture done by Salmon Arm, B.C. Artist, Donna Maclaren of Thanks Donna for these inspiring paintings.

Orca by Donna MacLaren Something to Share

What follows is a quote from Richard Bandler, one of the originators of modern NLP and was sent to me on Valentine's day by a friend. I would like to share it with you:

Unconditional love starts with - you!

If you're focused on mastering unconditional love, there's no better place to start than with yourself! You'll experience compassion, acceptance and understanding as well as a greater sense of intimacy when you lvoe yourself unconditionally.

What we put out in the world we get back, so loving yourself unconditionally will be "mirrored" back to you by other people! It will seem as though they've miraculously changed, but you'll know they're responding to the unconditional love you're exuding!

Earth Glowing Energy Alerts

Now for the latest in energy alerts, please go to this wonderful website:

also on this website is a fascinating link to all the work that is being done with Cobb Housing (sustainable housing). Quite a worthwhile read if this picture inspires you.

Cobb Housing

Food For Thought

Coins in front of earthAnd finally, I will end this month's newsletter with a link that is definitely food for thought!

News of note

And for those of you who have been asking and who live within driving distance of my home, our healing circle will be starting up again the last Wednesday of the month at 7:30 pm beginning with March 26th. All are welcome just let me know if you are coming so I will know how many to prepare for. And for those of you that cannot make it physically, if you would like to be included in our distance healing, please email or call and we will add you in. Looking forward to seeing old friends again and making new ones.

Please continue to send me your thoughts, news, inspiration and feedback for our next newsletter in March. So now I will leave you with wishes for much love and light in your life and the following piece from a book I wrote in the 80's.

Within each teardrop is crystallized
all the pain the soul has ever endured,
and within each raindrop does the story of
the universe unfold.

Many blessings to you.

February 2008

In This Edition

The Gypsy

Monthly Podcast

New Meditations

Planetary Healing

Feature Article

Art Showcase

Something to Share

Energy Alerts

Food For Thought

News of Note

Forward to a Friend

If you know of someone that would be interested in my newsletters, please forward them this copy.


Hear Maya being interviewed on

Kids can Heal/Happy Families
with Carolyn Good

Saturday, March 1st at 9am

Hear the meditation for kids called the Rainbow Warrior on the show. Second half of the show is a time for call in intiutive readings.

BlogTalk Radio


planet in cupped hands
Maya - maya at 604-826-5153
Maya Telford Website