Meeting Your Spirit Guides
...a guided meditation by Maya Cytrynbaum-Telford
Have you found that idea comforting?
Would you like to explore the possibility that a benevolent being or beings have been with you since birth to assist you with your Earth journey?
Does the thought of this fascinate you?
You might have read or heard about this concept since you were a small child, and have been curious but never known how to go about finding more information... until now.
Take the next step on a magical journey of discovering your beloved soul who guards and watches over your life upon this planet through this "Meeting Your Spirit Guides" guided meditation.
Listen to a sample of this meditation....
We all have great and caring beings around us at all times assisting us in our daily lives, not just in times of major trauma. These beings will not interfere with our free will by
just appearing to us but must wait for us to ask them into our lives. When we make this call, we can be sure that it will be heard and answered, perhaps in ways we might not have anticipated.
These beings are governed by the great Universal Laws and will only work for our highest good and the highest good of all concerned. Their major purpose in our lives is to assist us in our spiritual growth and to help us be the best that we can be. When we ask for their assistance, they will help us to fulfill our soul's purpose and to complete our life lessons in gratitude and grace.
There have been many recorded incidents of people reporting spiritual beings appearing to them in times of great crisis and/or life-threatening circumstances. Some of these people actually feel that their spiritual "guide" or "angel" may have really saved their lives.
If you are at a point in your life where you feel that making a strong spiritual connection is very timely, then this meditation is for you. It is is grounded in spiritual principle and will take you on a safe and wondrous journey, enabling you to connect with your spirit guides.
About Maya
Maya is a Reiki Master in the Usui tradition of Reiki, has been practicing this healing modality for over 20 years and has been involved with meditation and healing since childhood. She is also a dimensional reader and clairvoyant, trance channel, and spirit walker. As well as doing private readings and Reiki sessions, Maya conducts classes in Reiki and Meditation and holds monthly healing circles in her home.
This meditation is just under 43 minutes long and is available in CD or in MP3 format for you to download and listen from your computer, burn to a CD or load into a playback device.
Purchase your meditation today for only $19.98 on CD or $9.98 in MP3 format.