

What is a Guided Meditation?

For those not familiar with the concept of a guided meditation, it is a great way for the novice and experienced meditator alike to allow the voice of another to lead you quickly and effectively into a meditative state using breathing techniques and visualizations.

For those of us that are experienced meditators, sometimes perhaps, we are just too stressed or too busy to be able to access our own inner space effectively. Using a guided meditation can b e very helpful. And for the beginner or novice meditator, a guided meditation is extremely beneficial to having instant results which will encourage you to continue to explore your spiritual journey in a safe and gentle manner.


Woman meditating by ocean

Mayatations are guided meditations created to take you on a spiritual journey with visualizations and breathing techniques that will awaken your awareness and guide you to higher spiritual understanding.

» See our Mayatations catalog here

I have created several guided meditations for health and wellness and also for spiritual purposes.

Each Mayatation can help...

Meditation Products

~ Mayatations ~
Guided meditations by

Maya Cytrynbaum-Telford

Meditation CD's

Available in CD format or MP3 download.

» Find out more here

Each meditation has a sample audio clip that allows you to experience a portion of each meditation and the incredible journey it can take you on.

Take a moment... relax... be comfortable... and begin to use the power of your mind to heal, empower, de-stress and connect.

» View all available meditations here

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Maya - maya at (604) 985-5130
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